Blog posts

This blog contains mostly posts from before 2010.

  • Learning zapping again

    Dec 17, 2009

    Zapping, channel surfing, channel hopping or whatever you would like to call it; I am learning it again. There are about 90 video and audio podcasts in my subscription list in iTunes. They r...

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  • Article Inspired by "The Real Time Web" LeWeb

    Dec 17, 2009

    After my visit to the LeWeb conference I wrote an article for my company’s magazine/ blog that captures some of the things that were said during the conference. The Web is Approaching ...

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  • Mammut video edited with iMovie '09

    Mar 20, 2009

    Here is a video I shot and edited for the Mammut testevent 2009: In iMovie ‘09 you can sync edit points with beats of the music. You have to add the beats yourself. I did this by &rsqu...

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  • Why I am a TEDster: Content, Community, Cause

    Feb 10, 2009

    Three main reasons why I am a TEDster (a member of the TED community) are: Content Community Cause Content Even though the content of the conference eventually makes its way online the live ...

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  • Another great speech about Music and the Future of New Media on IT Conversations

    Dec 9, 2008

    Here is a nuanced analysis on the current state of Music and New Media by Jeremy Silver, CEO of Sibelius software. ​ First paragraph ...

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  • Insightful look at developments in (new) media: Peter Hirshberg: The Web and TV, a sibling rivalry

    Sep 6, 2008

    Here is a great video from the eg 2007 conference of Peter Hirshberg giving a historical perspective on developments in new media and new mediums. Great quote: “The old media is the co...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Vasile Cotovanu about Google Maps

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Vasile Cotovanu about Google Maps WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Toni Birrer about Splunk

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Toni Birrer about Splunk WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Axel Beckert about IkiWiki

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Axel Beckert about IkiWiki WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Cédric Hüsler about perceived performance

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Cédric Hüsler about perceived performance WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Tristan Woerth about types of databases

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Tristan Woerth: a discussion about types of databases WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Harry Fuecks about RESTful Thumbnailing

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Harry Fuecks about RESTful Thumbnailing WebTuesday...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-07-08: Lightning Talk by Patrice Neff about SOA

    Jul 10, 2008

    Lightning Talk by Patrice Neff about the benefits of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) WebTuesday...

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  • Dipity profile created

    Jun 29, 2008

    Overview of some of my online activities:...

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  • WebTuesday 2008-05-13: Apache sling by David Nuescheler

    Jun 27, 2008

    Google video has been giving me problems and I cannot get it to make videos downloadable. The video quality is also pretty low. Enter Viddler. Much nicer interface, taggable, downloadable&he...

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  • Currently in my 'Vidcasts' playlist...

    Jun 27, 2008

    I don’t watch TV anymore. That is, I have put away my TV tuner. I still watch a lot of video content, including shows that are available on TV. One of the legal ways to get TV shows is...

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  • Benjamin Zander's TED Talk now online

    Jun 26, 2008

    Last month I wrote about Benjamin Zander and I mentioned his performance at TED 2008. It is now available online from the TED website:...

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  • Tips for startups from Maya Elhalal

    Jun 23, 2008

    While researching startup funding practices I came across a post from Maya Elhalal who has gone through the process of finding funding for startups herself and now teaches and consults on th...

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  • Graphic design museum opened in The Netherlands

    Jun 11, 2008

    Perhaps of interest for my Graphic Designer friends: ...

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  • Typepad layout problem solved

    Jun 9, 2008

    It was caused by an extra </div> tag that creeped in through autoformatting in the web-based editor of Typepad....

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  • Typepad layout problem

    Jun 6, 2008

    The layout of my main weblog page breaks a bit at the moment. It may have something to do with the embedded videos I posted using the new visual editor from from typepad. I’ll have to ...

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  • Ultimate guide for Podcast recording with Skype from the Conversations network

    Jun 5, 2008

    A few years after the bulk of my posts about recording podcasts with Skype and Audio Hijack Pro I still get follow up questions. It’s great that the basic principles still work. Today ...

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  • Zeix user experience

    Jun 4, 2008

    Today I had a great visit to the office of Zeix in Zurich. Zeix are very thorough in their approach of user centered design. They are not too academic but prove their solutions with proper u...

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  • St. Anton am Arlberg in High-Res on Google Maps

    Jun 3, 2008

    St. Anton am Arlberg in Austria was a big smudge on Google Maps until not too long ago. Now you can actually see some details, as for example in this video created with Google Earth of me sk...

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  • Mahalo daily viral videos

    Jun 3, 2008

    Andrea Rene and Leah’s potentially viral videos are done. Interesting to see what happens if one sets out to intentionally create a viral video. I didn’t get Leah’s video a...

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  • 1st runner up for an Air!

    May 29, 2008

    Watch this episode of Mahalo Daily: My first attempt at doing a Seesmic comment - done in one take - made it as first ru...

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  • PHP Training with video:

    May 27, 2008

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  • Videos on Flickr: good for short clips

    May 26, 2008

    Trying out the Flickr Video capabilities. The 90 second limit allows for nice little snapshots like these: These videos were shot near St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria....

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  • Leah gets it too

    May 25, 2008

    Leah D’Emilio tracked me down on Facebook to say thanks for voting! I voted on the Mahalo Daily Vlog Idol contest organized by the creators of the Mahalo Daily podcast fo find their ne...

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  • Gary Vaynerchuk's inbox, or: how to gracefully deal with potential email bankruptcy

    May 25, 2008

    Gary sollicits lot’s of email. On his podcast and other online appearances he asks people to please write him. Result: more than a thousand emails on some days.He also says he personal...

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  • Amazon MP3 widget

    May 15, 2008

    Mo’Jones -> Nicolle -> Adam Curry...

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  • Inspiration for entrepreneurs

    May 10, 2008

    Gary Vay-ner-chuk ;) had an appearance on “The big idea” on CNBC together with two other entrepreneurs. Inspiration & entertainment in one....

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  • Pangea day: I'll be watching

    May 7, 2008


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  • CNN special on innovation -> Benjamin Zander

    May 6, 2008

    It’s great to see orchestra conductor Ben Zander show up in a special on CNN about collaboration and innovation. Nice and timely as I am going through some plans that involve those two...

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  • Swisscom Labs project profiled

    Apr 25, 2008

    Marc Osofski posted a video on the Optaros blog from Josh Bernoff, Forrester Analyst and author of Groundswell that highlights one of the projects I worked on. See the video here. I am not e...

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  • Podcast advertising: more effective

    Apr 24, 2008

    A Bizreport article showed up in my Google alerts with some numbers that support what many Podcasters have been saying for some time: Podcast audiences respond well to the advertising that i...

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  • Amazon Webservices on WebTuesday video

    Apr 22, 2008

    The video of the WebTuesday hosted presentation about Amazon’s Web Services by Mike Culver is up on Google Video. [Update 080816: Also available in 3 higher resolution parts on viddler...

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  • iPhone UI critique

    Feb 5, 2008

    Some day this year I’ll be able to comment on this more. (The iPhone is not out in Switzerland yet and I am waiting for version 2 before I buy one, yadda, yadda, etc.) For now, here&rs...

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  • Flickr + tags + creative commons + maps + geotagging = mashup

    Feb 4, 2008

    Schmap Guides richly annotates online maps to create guides for a big number of travel destinations. They make a nice mashup with existing maps sites and scour flickr for relevant pictures t...

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  • A User Experience workshop experience

    Feb 2, 2008

    Working on the Swisscom Labs project was an interesting experience. My colleague Bryce wrote a short summary of the User Experience design part of it: From requirements to a designed UI in 5...

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  • Vint Cerf's Zurich talk on YouTube

    Dec 12, 2007

    Vint Cerf gave a talk in Zurich last month with the title “Tracking the Internet into the 21st Century”. Well worth watching for some perspective on internet related developments...

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  • Advanced ski instructor training experience

    Dec 7, 2007

    Simon writes an (to me very recognizable) account of his first advanced ski instructor training. The next one will be even more challenging with a giant slalom, skiing moguls on one ski and ...

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  • The B Series: Brainstorm's how-to on doing an awareness campaign... but wait, there's more!

    Dec 6, 2007

    Here’s a nice set of articles by Brainstorm that chronicles their awareness campaign called The B Series. It contains links to a set of beautiful PDFs about Web 2.0, social networking,...

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  • If you're asking "what is important right now?"...

    Dec 6, 2007

    There is a good answer in this talk by Philippe Starck: I hope I’ve given enough of a tease to make you watch. Don’t worry, as soon as you have seen 2 minutes you’ll want t...

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  • Leopard print bathrobe

    Nov 27, 2007

    Looks like every Kimpton hotel ‘features’ the creepy Leopard print bathrobes… Many of my colleagues know exactly what I am talking about ;-) (I was checking out the Sky ho...

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  • Finding one's passion

    Nov 26, 2007

    Recently I got in touch with Onno Hamburger again by accident. Several years ago he was leading a communication and personal effectiveness training that I attended. His blog has a post (Dutc...

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  • Lefsetz on Licensing, copyright, Creative commons & Larry Lessig

    Nov 21, 2007

    Bob Lefsetz has an excellent post about music (content) licensing and copyright where he goes into a bit of history, analyses the role of P2P and major players in the music industry and shar...

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  • Luckily, Leopard recovers well from a crash :-/

    Nov 20, 2007

    [Update: The problem was finally resolved with a logic board replacement. Apparently the on board graphics card just broke. Leopard’s graphics is driver apparently less forgiving to a ...

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  • Good overview of TED

    Nov 12, 2007

    This post showed up in my Google alert on the term ’tedglobal': Inspired Talks By The World’s Greatest Thinkers And Doers I thought I’d share it because it gives a good overview ...

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  • Vaarwel, Au revoir, KLM Airfrance

    Nov 10, 2007

    20000 of my last Flying blue airmiles have just been spent. I only have a few left. Good. Now I will probably not have to deal with KLM/ Airfrance and it’s horrible online services for...

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  • Microsoft says Canadians think Pirated software stings, eh

    Oct 4, 2007

    From the ‘Get yer daily cup of FUD here’ department: Amber Mac reports on a serious press release....

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  • Service interruption: moving to Godaddy

    Oct 3, 2007

    My domains are being moved so there will be some interruptions....

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  • You'll feel like you're in a little club

    Sep 23, 2007

    In my company that club is about to become bigger. We are talking about how to introduce Macs as standard laptop option (next to the current choice of Dells). Utilware: The truth about Switc...

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  • Feeling tense?

    Sep 23, 2007

    If you have the feeling that your body is tense a likely cause is stress. However some of that stress may be physical: an incorrect seating position or height settings for a chair cause your...

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  • TEDGlobal pictures: handing out Lapdesks

    Jun 6, 2007

    Before the kick-off of the TEDGlobal conference in Arusha, Tanzania I had the opportunity to participate in a tour with the Lapdesk company. See the pictures here:

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  • The 'proper way' for website development

    May 27, 2007

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  • Bad public space design in the USA explained by James Howard Kunstler

    May 20, 2007

    Every time I travel to the USA I dread going to a badly designed country. The last city where I spent a considerable amount of time is Boston. Very close to my office and the hotel where I s...

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  • The Encyclopedia of Life

    May 9, 2007

    The website for The Encyclopedia of Life launched today. Next to it being a great initiative overall to me it looks like it is going to be a great example of a functional and technological m...

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  • : Excellent podcasting resource

    May 8, 2007

    At Barcamp2 Boston in March I met Adam Weiss. He creates 2 podcasts himself and shares his podcasting knowledge on his website and as a consultant. See: I visited Adam ...

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  • Weisse Rausch (White Rush) ski race video

    May 4, 2007

    Great video of this year’s White Rush (Weisse Rausch) race in St. Anton am Arlberg (Austria). I just watched this time. (Also see my experience of last year’s race here.)...

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  • SmartPlaylist

    Apr 22, 2007

    SmartPlaylist Originally uploaded by Hugo_s. Someone asked: “Have you ever encountered a problem where your playlist that is made up of a podcast stops playing songs one after another,...

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  • Excellent SXSW panel discussion on CSS: must listen for UI people

    Apr 5, 2007

    There is an excellent podcast of one of the sessions at this year’s South by South West conference called: A decade of style The Audio quality os not that great (has some noise) but it...

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  • Open Source: when it makes sense (And: how Apple behaves)

    Mar 24, 2007

    My current company’s tagline is: “Realize the benefits of Open Source”. In practice that means: Of each application that we assemble for our clients, all or most of it&rsqu...

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  • BarCamp 2 Boston video collage

    Mar 22, 2007

    An interesting video collage has been posted of the sessions at BarCamp 2 Boston. I haven’t taken the time to view them thoroughly but from watching a couple of minutes it seems that t...

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  • BRTC Today

    Mar 22, 2007

    Bum Rush the Charts day is today!...

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  • One way to make you understand TED

    Mar 14, 2007

    Explaining what the TED conference is is not easy. David Pogue blogs about it and links to a CBS News report he did on the conference here. Entertaining and educational....

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  • BarCamp 2 Boston this weekend

    Mar 13, 2007

    Saturday-Sunday 17-18 March there’s a fresh new edition of the BarCamp un?conference in Boston. Since I happen to be living around the corner right now it’s an opportunity not to...

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  • Change copyright and licensing!

    Mar 12, 2007 http...

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  • Attention for Podsafe music, or: freeing music

    Mar 2, 2007

    The current system(s) of licensing music are not compatible with Podcasting and other ’new’ ways of promoting music. To get things moving a bit, one initiative is sure to draw so...

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  • Mac vs. PC for web builders

    Mar 1, 2007

    Friend and Colleague Sebastian summarizes his thoughts on a discussion that has been going on in our company, Optaros. The discussion is about whether to add Macs as standard option for empl...

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  • Skiing on 2 continents: pretty crappy winter!

    Feb 16, 2007

    Not that it’s crappy that I get to ski on 2 continents… (Due to a big, secret web project in Boston I get to stay over there a lot.)… But the conditions are pretty crappy...

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  • Opportunities at Optaros

    Feb 16, 2007

    Optaros is hiring! Here are some profiles of the kinds of colleagues we’re looking for: - PHP Senior Consultant (Geneva, Zurich) - Technical Architect - NGI / Web2.0 (Geneva, Munich, Z...

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  • new job @ Optaros!

    Jan 8, 2007

    A few months ago already, i started a new job at a company focussed on open source, open standards and next generation internet applications. It’s called Optaros. My focus will be most...

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  • TED Podcast : Jimmy Wales on how and why Wikipedia works

    Aug 24, 2006

    There is a recurring discussion about the value and trustworthiness of Wikipedia. Watch this video podcast of the founder of Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales - and you’ll probably be much more ...

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  • TED Podcasts : Extremely high value

    Aug 24, 2006

    TED is a conference. Traditionally there is one ‘TED’ each year in California but last year there was the first Global edition - aptly named TEDGlobal - in Oxford, UK and more ar...

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  • Update on the ol' Skype recording issue from Geekbrief

    Jul 12, 2006

    Cali from and Rob from Podcast411 share some Skype recording tips. They have tried several pieces of software and hardware:

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  • Petition for 'Podcasters' Rights and the WIPO Broadcast Treaty'

    Jun 19, 2006

    Podcasters have been organizing themselves in the UK, Ireland and Germany and are fighting for the proper rights to use music and other materials. The current hot topic is a World Intellectu...

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  • Lesson for snow instructors

    Jun 7, 2006

    An Austrian news site has an article about the aftermath of a severe Avalanche accident that took place January 2005 in St. Anton. The article (in German) reports that the ski-instructor who...

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  • New snowsports site

    May 28, 2006 is a website launched in January with a wealth of snowsports information. Judging by the section about off-piste skiing in the Arlberg region (which I happen to know very we...

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  • Bye Bye Edit, Hello Mate

    May 24, 2006

    When I started with Ruby On Rails I came across TextMate a relatively new text editor for the Mac that a lot of Ruby on Rails developers seem to use. Curious I thought because BBEdit is the ...

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  • White crash!

    Apr 25, 2006

    A false start, some frantic skiing and then a big crash! I finished somewhere in the last 3rd, with a time of 16:58.83. Here’s what happened: The tactic I had come up with for the race...

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  • The Weisse Rausch (White rush)

    Apr 18, 2006

    This year I will finally participate in the “Weisse Rausch” ski-race. I’ll take it a bit more seriously than the people who will stop at each mountain hut on the way down f...

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  • Second FirstTuesday podcast on IT Conversations: Music, Innovation & Convergence

    Feb 27, 2006

    The second FirstTuesday podcast is out on IT Conversations. A series page has now been set up here. This session is a panel discussion about convergence. “This panel discussion regardi...

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  • Snowfix video podcast

    Feb 7, 2006

    Negative Gravity from the UK have started a video podcast about snowsports: Snowfix. The makers are based in Val d’Isere, France but they bring up-to-date information from resorts arou...

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  • Squeezed geek chick: wide screen fix

    Feb 1, 2006

    The first episode of Geek Brief TV I saw after subscribing today was episode #0007. It immediately occurred to me that Cali - the presenter/ International Director - looked a bit skinny! See...

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  • First FirstTuesday podcast on IT Conversations: Music, Innovation & Convergence

    Jan 27, 2006

    Here it is: the keynote presentation of the First Tuesday convergence forum! The recording was done by me. I used a PowerBook 17" with Logic Express and a M-audio FireWire 1814 audio in...

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  • Blackberry patents

    Jan 24, 2006

    CNN and others report about a patent dispute that may spell trouble for all Blackberry service users. Here are some of NTP’s patents: 6,317,592 5,438,611 5,479,472 5,631,946 I first he...

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  • World Economic Forum Podcasts

    Jan 24, 2006

    The WEF is podcasting some of this year’s press conferences and sessions. For example: Digital 2.0: Powering a Creative Economy with speakers John Chambers (Cisco), Bill Gates (Microso...

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  • Do not leave the subject line of emails empty

    Jan 22, 2006

    Emails that arrive in my inbox without a subject line will be marked as SPAM and then they are deleted. I do not read them. If you want to ask me a question, (post a comment on this site or)...

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  • Back in Zürich for a few days

    Jan 10, 2006

    Back in Zürich to take care of some admin, etc. It’s gray and cold here unlike St. Anton where it is sunny and cold. At least I have a fat internet pipe in my apartment here, good for ...

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  • Reconnected

    Jan 8, 2006

    In St. Anton now. The snow is all-right. Working and training for an entry exam for the highest level ski-instructor academy in Austria (‘Staatliche skilehrer’). And… I no...

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  • Syncing separately recorded multi-track audio to video from a camcorder

    Dec 14, 2005

    When I was recording an event for IT Conversations recently, I decided to put a camera in the room for the following reasons: 1. To record a backup soundtrack (in case the audio recording we...

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  • As predicted: 'Podcast' word of the year

    Dec 7, 2005

    Last year it was ‘Blog’. As I predicted, this year it’s ‘Podcast’. Comments Author: Charles Hodgson Date: 2005-12-14 17:36:51 Good call.There are wheels within ...

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  • Blink; you're in an avalanche!

    Oct 24, 2005

    Malcolm Gladwell was in Zürich last week, talking about his book Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking at a Swiss independent research institute (GDI). With my mind wandering al ove...

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  • Leaving...

    Oct 23, 2005

    24 Apr 2003 19:10:54 Originally uploaded by Hugo_s. This photo is part of a set of the apartment that I am about to leave. The set also includes some nice pics of views from the balcony, sun...

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  • A podcast for my friends in Finance

    Oct 20, 2005

    Having been living in Zürich for a while, I have met quite a few people who work in Financial institutions. For those finance and accounting geeks, the Best Accounting Practices podcast may ...

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  • Turning the tables

    Oct 20, 2005

    Right now traditional record companies, labels and artists are somewhere between trying protect their traditional way of doing business and developing or embracing new ways to get paid. It i...

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  • PlayLouder Music Service Provider (MSP)

    Oct 20, 2005

    PlayLouder MSP is an Internet Service Provider in the UK (about to launch) that allows and encourages peer-to-peer filesharing. Especially sharing music files! The cool thing is, that it is ...

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  • Cringely: Must see TV... ehh... PBS program

    Oct 16, 2005

    Robert Cringely is creating a series of interviews with people known for their accomplishments in IT/ internet like Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Joy and Tim O’reilly. The latest interview is w...

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  • Another post about the Valfagehrbahn

    Oct 16, 2005

    On the St. Anton weblog… (German)...

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  • New and improved Valfagehrbahn

    Oct 15, 2005

    15.10.2005 14:20:03 Originally uploaded by Hugo_s. Some pics of the new Valfagehrbahn… Looking forward to some long and warm rides! (It has heated seats!)...

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  • Logic Express update 7.1.1: problems with M-audio FireWire 1814 fixed?

    Oct 7, 2005

    After a quick test with the Logic Express update 7.1.1 it seems that it won’t crash anymore when used with M-audio 1814. The description of the update says that ‘Realtime sample ...

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  • FirstTuesday forum: The road to convergence

    Oct 5, 2005

    Yesterday, FirstTuesday Zürich held a forum called ‘The road to convergence’. I recorded most of it and the keynote speeches will be podcast. (Or should I say podcasted?) Maybe t...

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  • M-Audio Firewire 1814 + Logic Express = crash ! One solution...

    Sep 26, 2005

    Logic Express seems to be the only program that crashes when I try to use it with my recently bought M-Audio Firewire 1814. Whenever I choose the Firewire 1814 in Logic Express it will crash...

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  • One year of podcasting...

    Sep 20, 2005

    Last year I wrote: “In 1 year, Podcasting will: - Deliver standard radio shows. - Deliver (short) messages to groups of friends, colleagues, family, members of a club, etc. - Distribut...

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  • Podcastcon UK 2005: success!

    Sep 20, 2005

    Podcastcon UK 2005 was great! I’m really glad I went at the last moment. I met a lot of nice people: Blugg, Doctoe, Nicole Simon, Milverton Wallace, Neville Hobson to name but a few. T...

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  • Isolating Skype audio for recording on the Mac with extra Soundflower channels

    Sep 16, 2005

    Recently I tried to use Skype again in a podcasting studio setup that I have described a while ago. It seems that through a couple of upgrades of Skype it has stopped working. The current ve...

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  • Off to Podcastcon UK

    Sep 16, 2005

    I’m off to Podcastcon UK. Looking forward to meeting lots of people :)...

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  • Old hardware

    Aug 31, 2005

    TRS-80 Model III Originally uploaded by Hugo_s. TRS-80 Model III and other relics. Also see: Old hardware Flickr set...

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  • Moving sale

    Aug 21, 2005

    Gearing up to sell some stuff before I move in ~ 2 months. Looks like I will just be moving inside the same city (Zürich, Switzerland) but I just want to ‘shed some weight’ befor...

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  • Back from vacation in Alaska

    Aug 13, 2005

    Just back from 3 weeks of vacation to Valdez, Alaska and Long-Island, NY. I went on a boat, rafting, ice-climbing and played some beach-volley among other things....

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  • Go for the skiing Dave!

    Jul 25, 2005

    Dave contemplates becoming a ski-bum for a season. Having done that myself (as a ski instructor in St. Anton) I’d say: definitely go for it! If you have a good internet connection you ...

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  • Podcasting license & Pricing announced by Dutch collection agency

    Jul 21, 2005

    Rik Lambers at CoCo reports that “The Dutch collection organisation for composers, lyricists and music publishers, BUMA/STEMRA has come up with licensing rates for podcasting.” T...

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  • BBC TEDGlobal coverage

    Jul 19, 2005

    The BBC has a collection of articles covering last week’s TEDGlobal 2005 conference. There is no specific starting page but this article about free media funding for example has a side...

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  • More PIX from TEDglobal 2005

    Jul 19, 2005

    Even more pictures from TEDGlobal 2005. Docu-Blog/Steve’s POV: PIX from TEDglobal 2005 It seems that there is more picture content than writing for TEDGlobal so far. During the confere...

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  • TEDGlobal - 7/7 Wikipedia illustration

    Jul 19, 2005

    At the TEDGlobal conference, Chris Anderson introduced Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales by editing Jimmy’s Wikipedia entry live on stage. The entry was corrected within minutes by volunte...

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  • TED Global 2005

    Jul 19, 2005

    TED Global 2005 was really great on many levels! A treat for the mind, meeting great people, interesting subjects, good laughs, a diet (Gala dinner) and much more. The interesting discussion...

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  • iTunes Podcast playlists: 'Podcast' track property is read-only

    Jul 11, 2005

    Podcast tracks in iTunes 4.9 do not seem to be easily manageable in regular playlists or smart playlists. The AppleScript dictionary for iTunes has been extended with a track property that t...

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  • Rocketboom extra: How to subscribe to a podcast with iTunes

    Jul 5, 2005

    Rocketboom has an excellent video guide to working with podcasts in iTunes....

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  • Layout temporarily fixed

    Jul 4, 2005

    I changed the layout of this blog because I noticed that it broke for individual archive pages....

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  • Correction (Amazon link broke layout)

    Jul 4, 2005

    Update: that turned out not to be the cause… (I noticed that the Amazon link to Podcasting Hacks that I put on the left of the page broke the layout of single articles. Now temporaril...

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  • Creating Podcasts with Quicktime 7 Pro

    Jul 4, 2005

    Apple: Creating Podcasts with Quicktime 7 Pro As predicted....

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  • Drag a PDF into iTunes...

    Jul 4, 2005

    It works. It won’t do anything but just show up at first but if you double click it, it opens in Preview. eBooks? (Pressing play doesn’t work.)...

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  • iTunes is dead, long live iXxx

    Jul 4, 2005

    iTunes and iPhoto are two applications that catalog and organize… eh, well.. files? You can put pictures into iTunes and you can put audio/ video into iPhoto. iTunes is supposed to be...

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  • iTunes is broken

    Jul 4, 2005

    I like iTunes. However, version 4.9 is broken in some ways. I am already looking forward to the next generation application. What happened is that features were crammed into the existing use...

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  • How to get a winter- / ski- / snowboard job in St. Anton

    Jul 3, 2005

    (I answered a question about a previous post. The answer may be useful as a post of it’s own.) To find a job for a winter season in St. Anton you can go directly to the skischool and a...

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  • article on where to put your RSS files

    Jul 3, 2005 has an article called “How to Upload the .MP3 File, RSS File, and Validate It”. It covers a question that many beginning podcasters are struggling with: where do I put ...

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  • St. Anton has a blog

    Jun 30, 2005

    My favorite ski town has a weblog and a Wikipedia entry (in German). I work in the Skischool in St. Anton sometimes, usually over Christmas and New-years and spend a lot of weekends and vaca...

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  • The PDF Enclosure in iTunes

    Jun 30, 2005

    This is what Feedburner did with a PDF file in my weblog feed: <enclosure url="/studiosetup/ZLVoIPStudio-SysDiag.pdf" length=“23210” type=“application/pdf&rdqu...

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  • Test 2

    Jun 30, 2005

    This is a test link…...

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  • TEST Post -> ignore

    Jun 30, 2005

    Testing enclosure… Figure 1. Flow diagram of a zero latency setup. (Click for PDF, 23 KB) The Audio Hijack Pro sessions necessary for this setup are shown in Figure 2. Note that the u...

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  • Accused of fraud

    Jun 29, 2005

    Someone’s accusing me of fraud: To me, the single article I linked to a while back was good origin...

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  • iTunes 4.9 supports PDF enclosures!

    Jun 29, 2005

    By accident I discovered that iTunes 4.9 downloads PDF enclosures from a podcast feed: It even has a document icon next to it. If you double-click it, it opens in Preview or whatever PDF vie...

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  • OK, So using Garageband for Podcast recording is also an option...

    Jun 29, 2005

    On the Apple site there is a recipe for recording podcasts with Garageband. They do give a bit of a bare bones description. Not everyone will know exactly what to do from reading this....

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  • Doug's AppleScript for iTunes: AppleScript changes in iTunes 4.9

    Jun 29, 2005

    Some more info about AppleScript features in iTunes 4.9:

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  • OPML2iTunes : AppleScript to import OPML podcast subscriptions into iTunes

    Jun 29, 2005

    As iTunes doesn’t allow importing of OPML podcast subscription lists, I created a little AppleScript application that does just that. (Or did I overlook the feature in my haste?) Instr...

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  • RSS feed howto 'Pubdate' question

    Jun 16, 2005

    Hello Kerry, Yes, you should really add another entry for each episode of your podcast. This is what the whole system relies on. I don’t know the exact inner workings of iPodderX, -lem...

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  • Good overview on how to name your files and use ID3 tags

    May 30, 2005

    The people of Podcast 411 have some great articles about all things Podcast. Here is their article on Naming conventions and so called ID3 tagging. (Putting information about the podcast in ...

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  • "Recording A Podcast" from the creators of Audio Hijack Pro

    May 27, 2005

    The creators of Audio Hijack Pro for the Mac have posted a tutorial on how to record podcasts with their tool:

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  • eWeek: Apple's Jobs Announces iTunes Podcast Support

    May 25, 2005

    eWeek: Apple’s Jobs Announces iTunes Podcast Support I think this will make podcatching life much easier :)...

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  • More on the EU Constitution: "[Comment] Constitution fails fundamental tests"

    May 21, 2005

    [[Comment] Constitution fails fundamental tests]( “…First prize for complexity… …The people are absent…” (...

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  • Podcasting Features In Audio Hijack Pro 2.5

    May 17, 2005

    Podcasting Features In Audio Hijack Pro 2.5: “… Audio Hijack Pro has been used by many to record podcasts for months now. However, with these two new features, much richer podca...

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  • Celebrity culture

    May 16, 2005

    Interesting article I bumped into while searching for Fame vs. credit / recognition: New York Metro: (Celebrity Culture); “Celebrities and fame - Micheal Jackson - …more” ...

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  • Credit vs. Fame

    May 16, 2005

    Credit = recognition by your peers and people who know you. Fame = The role you play and/or your public character is known to the man on the street. Credit can be more personal. Fame pertain...

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  • Money, Job, Fame, Recognition or Satisfaction

    May 16, 2005

    “What do you want to get out of this: Money, Job, Fame, Recognition or Satisfaction? Choose only one!” This is what somebody asked me who can help me with my idea should it turn ...

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  • Sorry to keep you waiting

    May 15, 2005

    It took a while to get to posting the previous post. Sorry for keeping you in suspension. I’m just swamped with my regular job and new opportunities that I am working on in my free tim...

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  • Zero Latency Studio Setup

    May 15, 2005

    NOTE: This description is an addition to the Advanced Podcast studio setup with Skype and Audio Hijack Pro. (This description is updated for Audio Hijack Pro version 2.5.) Monitoring your ow...

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  • Soundflower problem after upgrading to 10.3.9

    Apr 26, 2005

    Hi Aron, Actually, I upgraded to 10.3.9 as soon as it came out. Afterwards I only had to fix the java problem by re-installing the last Java update. (Now Apple put it in a separate update.) ...

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  • RSS Feeds about European constitution

    Apr 25, 2005

    My Father is heavily opposed to the current version of the European constitution that Europeans are voting on. I still have to make up my mind about it before the Dutch referendum on June 1s...

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  • How to add or change a Soundflower device

    Apr 24, 2005

    If Soundflower (2ch) and Soundflower (16ch) are not enough for you or you want a different number of channels here is how you can change the settings: Summary: Logged in as root, edit the In...

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  • Skype rings all over the house!

    Apr 21, 2005

    What to do if you’re not in the same room as your Mac with Skype and you’re expecting a call? Here’s a recipe for wireless bells. Ingredients - (Mac) - Skype - Airport expr...

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  • Advanced Podcast studio setup with Skype and Audio Hijack Pro

    Apr 17, 2005

    Setup The diagram below shows the (software) elements of the setup. Figure 1. Diagram of an advanced software studio setup. (Click for PDF, 413 KB) Audio Hijack Pro is extensively used in th...

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  • GRR!! smtp doesn't work on wireless hotspot!

    Mar 15, 2005

    Very frustrating! I don’t have time to figure out how to break through this stupid block from swisscom-eurospot that blocks me from sending emails from my normal mail program! Hmm&hell...

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  • Guess the graphic...

    Mar 12, 2005

    It’s a diagram of a setup to record a podcast that includes an audio chat whereby the person(s) on the other side of the chat can hear everything that you play on your podcast. Explana...

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  • QOTD - Nicholas Chamfort

    Mar 10, 2005

    Nicholas Chamfort: ‘In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small things they show themselves as they are.’ (Via Quotes of the Day.)...

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  • Soundflowerbed & Skype don't seem to like each other

    Mar 10, 2005

    Soundflowerbed is great for monitoring Soundflower… in theory. In practice it often gives problems in complex setups with Audio Hijack Pro and Skype for example. I’m figuring ou...

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  • Double-Ender: making it sound like you're both in the same studio

    Mar 6, 2005

    If you can’t record two sides of a phone conversation or audio chat session or it doesn’t sound good enough, consider a Double-Ender: Tod Maffin: The Secret of Double-Enders mydi...

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  • Night snow

    Feb 28, 2005

    Night snow 1 Originally uploaded by Hugo_s. It keeps snowing in Zürich. This picture was taken last week but last night it looked exactly the same....

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  • iMac gets a new harddisk

    Feb 26, 2005

    Click to see more… Using the instructions at It now has 250GB for Audio, video and more ;-)...

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  • Dynamic outline needs Fixin' !

    Feb 25, 2005

    It seems that the nice dynamic outline in the previous post doesn’t work in Firefox! Arghh!...

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  • Basic studio setup using Audio Hijack Pro (v2.0)

    Feb 25, 2005

    2005-04-17 NOTE: Updated advanced setup with Skype integration: </hugo/2005/04/advanced_podcas.html> Here it is… The first draft of the new studio setup description. Click to op...

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  • Avalanche beacon recall

    Feb 21, 2005

    Just by accident I discovered that the avalanche beacon I use - the Mammut Barryvox - has to be replaced: In other avalanche news: Man rides avalanche feet-first Man...

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  • Blogging 101 - Podcasting

    Feb 21, 2005

    This is a very nice, practical summary. Covers consuming, creating and publishing podcasts: Blogging 101 - Podcasting: “The latest buzz in the Blog Realm (and everywhere else it seems)...

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  • To dos

    Feb 21, 2005

    It’s nice to have many different kinds of things to do… but too many can be too much! A lot gets half done but nothing gets finished. This past weekend I started to re-focus and...

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  • Senseo-no

    Feb 16, 2005

    My Mom gave me a senseo a while ago. The pads (pods) are not for sale in Switzerland so I thought i’d try to order them from Amazon. No such luck! Geographical Shipping Restrictions Co...

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  • Plodcasting

    Feb 16, 2005

    So it’s not so easy to set up a podcasting studio yet… I’ve gotten it to work but I’ve also run into some weird system behaviour. (Description due this week.) Plodca...

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  • Happy valentines

    Feb 14, 2005


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  • Helpdesk

    Feb 14, 2005

    A question came in over email: *On Feb 14, 2005, at 20:35, Joseph Rose wrote: Please help… want i need to accomplish is very simple. I need to record my voice using my PowerBooks buil...

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  • Preview new studio setup

    Feb 11, 2005

    The details still have to be written out. Here is a preview of a new studio setup with Audio Hijack Pro, Soundflower and Skype. I’m working on detailed configuration descriptions for a...

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  • Answers from Rogue Amoeba about Audio Hijack Pro

    Feb 11, 2005

    In response to my questions to Rogue Amoeba, they’ve answered: Audio Hijack Pro Podcast Q&A (Due to an issue with the RSS feed, the post from Rogue Amoeba hasn’t shown up in ...

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  • Work...

    Feb 8, 2005

    …is getting in the way again :( A nice set of diagrams of Podcasting studio setups are coming. I just need to polish them and test some last bits… Later this week, stay tune..e...

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  • Message to Rogue Amoeba about Audio Hijack Pro

    Feb 4, 2005

    In response to How to Record a Podcast The value of Audio Hijack Pro for Podcasters can be increased by: 1. Keeping the application as it is. 2. Modifying the existing application in some ke...

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  • Audio Hijack setup: multiple effects chains

    Feb 3, 2005

    In your Podcasting studio setup you naturally want to add some effects to your microphone signal. A compressor and reverb for example. What if you want to apply different audio filters/ effe...

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  • Enclosure for the Feedburner feed (2)

    Feb 3, 2005

    Does this become an enclosure through feedburner? Updated to .mp3 The feed is at:

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  • Feedburner: taking the last file in a post?

    Feb 3, 2005

    It seems that feedburner took the last mp3 file it found in my earlier post and made an enclosure out of it instead of the ‘first eligible one it finds’ as claimed by their site....

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  • Low Latency with Audio Hijack Pro: the test recordings

    Feb 3, 2005

    Here are two test recordings made for the low latency Podcasting studio setup. They contain a description of the setup and take you on an auditory tour through the settings. Update: Converte...

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  • More people working on studio setups

    Feb 2, 2005

    The Rogue Amoeba site has a post about Podcasting studio setups. The comments point to more people working on setups. Also a nice description at O’reilly’s Mac Devcenter....

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  • Low latency podcasting studio setup: the results

    Feb 2, 2005

    Mixed results… Good: found a pretty stable setup that keeps recording even if the system’s under stress. Bad: with enough stress on the system it is still possible to get &lsquo...

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  • A Podcasting How-to video by Staccato's Matt May

    Jan 31, 2005

    While looking for the link to Promiscuous bullet’s Podcasting 101 video at I found another one with some good technical tips. Check out: A Podcasting How-to from Staccato&r...

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  • Bad day... low latency setup coming tomorrow

    Jan 31, 2005

    Today was bad. Can happen sometimes. A bad cold is coming up and at work I got some surprises that had to be dealt with immediately, keeping me there longer than planned. I wanted to post ne...

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  • Podcasting 101 by Promiscuous bullet

    Jan 31, 2005

    The guys at Promiscuous bullet made a Podcasting 101 movie. The movie is also archived over at (This blog’s author is mentioned in the video as wel, boiiing ;-)...

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  • Winter view from the studio

    Jan 30, 2005

    Click to enlarge…...

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  • Back in the studio

    Jan 30, 2005

    After a rather long pause I got back to the studio for some setup experiments. This time the focus is latency. The picture is of my studio. Gee, I wonder why I had problems with Electromagne...

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  • Wireless microphone: receiver DOA

    Jan 30, 2005

    Hmmpf!… Have to wait a couple of days longer. The receiver of the Sennheiser set I ordered doesn’t work. Waiting for a replacement now....

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  • Ordered: Sennheiser portable wireless mirophone set

    Jan 20, 2005

    Can’t wait to start playing with this! It should arrive next week :-)...

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  • Switch from snowboard to ski: leg trouble

    Jan 18, 2005

    A snowboard trainer warned me that switching from board back to ski sometimes causes trouble. On a board you’re constantly shifting your weight from the front to the middle of the boar...

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  • Back from vacation: more Podcasting

    Jan 18, 2005

    Sooo… it was a long vacation and busy! The past week I spent most free time on a DVD conversion project, converting 6 DVDs’ video format from NTSC (American) to PAL (Europe and ...

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  • On vacation

    Dec 29, 2004

    I have been on vacation for almost two weeks now and have had no opportunity to post. On the to-do list: more Podcasting related posts and some snowsports posts. Maybe next year…...

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  • AppleInsider about upcoming Mac OS X Tiger: Audio recording in QuickTime player!

    Dec 16, 2004

    Inside Mac OS X Tiger build 8A323: “…Meanwhile, Pro users now have access to record audio and video through the QuickTime player….” (Via AppleInsider.) This is inte...

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  • QOTD "Standards" - Andrew S. Tanenbaum

    Dec 16, 2004

    Andrew S. Tanenbaum: “The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.” (Via Quotes of the Day.) Yeah… :-\...

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  • Jimmy Jett on "IPods, Podcasting and Radio?"

    Dec 14, 2004

    In his Podcast for December 13 titled “IPods, Podcasting and Radio?” at 5 minutes into the show, Jimmy Jett provides a very clear view about the transitions that traditional radi...

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  • Griffin Earjams' pads great for fitting Apple In-Ear headphones too!

    Dec 9, 2004

    Apple’s In-Ear headphones are supposed to be better than the earphones that come with your iPod. I got them for the added quality and also to block the noise of the city during my comm...

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  • QOTD about prejudices of your social environment

    Dec 9, 2004

    Albert Einstein: “Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming ...

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  • Skype beta now has selectable audio in/ out!

    Dec 9, 2004

    Yes! It has arrived. Unfortunately so has bedtime. Playtime soon. Comments Author: Tim G Germer Date: 2004-12-18 05:36:20 Skype works great for me now! I’m able to send audio down the ...

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  • Test podcast feed created

    Dec 3, 2004

    Here is the URL for my testfeed for RSS with enclosures: At the moment it redirects (points) to the Feedburner feed of my regular weblog feed. This ...

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  • Podcasting with Typepad - Feedburner test: result

    Dec 3, 2004

    So it is possible to do Podcasting with a typepad account. Not with the standard Typepad tools so far, unfortunately. Feedburner is a service that can transform your RSS feed from typepad (a...

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  • Snowsports plans December: St. Anton, Austria

    Dec 3, 2004

    This month I will be in Kaprun for a snowboard instructor training from 17 - 24 December. *Upps… This just got cancelled. Just the exam then on December 23th in Kaprun. So I will be i...

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  • CNN: 'Blog' No. 1 word of the year.

    Dec 1, 2004

    CNN: ‘Blog’ No. 1 word of the year. “Springfield, Massachusetts-based Merriam-Webster compiles the list each year by taking the most researched words on its Web sites and t...

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  • Feedburner test

    Nov 29, 2004

    A test post that should be converted to a post with an enclosure on a separate RSS feed generated by Feedburner. Here is the MP3: FeedburnerTest-041129.mp3 It should show up as an enclosure ...

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  • Ski or Snowboard: Why choose?

    Nov 24, 2004

    Should I ski or should I board? As I’m a ski instructor and working on getting my snowboard instructor license I am exploring the differences and similarities between skiing and snowbo...

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  • Crunch time

    Nov 23, 2004

    It’s crunch time at work. Three of my projects all have deadlines coming up and another one just had a major system upgrade with plenty of backend interface changes. Long hours right n...

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  • Podcasting from Mac OS X - A Recipe

    Nov 12, 2004

    2005-04-17 NOTE: Updated advanced setup with Skype integration: </hugo/2005/04/advanced_podcas.html> Here’s another Howto for Podcasting on the Mac from Dave Slusher, Conway, Sou...

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  • Using iSight as a Microphone for Podcasting

    Nov 12, 2004

    The iSight camera has a (decent) microphone. (Two, in fact, but the resulting signal in your mac is mono.) To use it as a microphone there are two problems: 1. The iSight picks up a lot of e...

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  • Embedding Creative Commons licenses/ references into MP3

    Nov 4, 2004

    Here’s the explanation from about so-called Metadata Embedding. Comments Author: Harold J. Johnson Date: 2004-11-09 20:02:26 Hi Hugo,I’ve really been enjoying...

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  • Podcasting for Education

    Oct 31, 2004

    Yup! Podcasting for Education: “I just wanted to capture some possible compelling uses for podcasting in an educational setting. Lectures. Imagine students being able to subscribe to a...

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  • Credit: the term "Podcasting"

    Oct 31, 2004

    Apparently, the term Podcasting was first coined by Dannie Gregoire. Comments Author: Hugo Date: 2006-05-23 11:10:02 Updated link to Evil Genius Chronicles:http://www.evilgeniuschronicles.or...

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  • The inventors of RSS with enclosures and Podcasting

    Oct 31, 2004

    Dave Winer and Adam Curry. Thanks guys! Podcasting is one great example of the use of RSS with enclosures. Podcasting is building great momentum for RSS. We will see many other applications ...

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  • Countdown now really started

    Oct 31, 2004

    My father is on a waiting-list for a heart transplant. He just went for a regular checkup and besides the outcome of the checkup (slowly declining condition but overall OK) he also heard tha...

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  • Snowboarding: not an instructor yet

    Oct 27, 2004

    As a ski instructor I did have quite an advantage on the snowboard instructor course last week. I passed all the technical exams but failed the ‘Go fast and show your skills’ par...

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  • Minimal latency to headphones with Soundflowerbed

    Oct 27, 2004

    Don’t think I wrote this down explicitly before so here goes. Some experiments I did showed very good results for monitoring Podcast recording using Soundflowerbed with minimal latency...

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  • iTunes Smart playlists: How to combine AND's & OR's

    Oct 26, 2004

    Smart playlists are great for qeueueing up your podcasts in iTunes. You can construct smart playlists with multiple conditions. Unfortunately, you can only choose to ‘Match all of the ...

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  • Back from vacation: iChatting with my niece

    Oct 26, 2004

    Just back from vacation in Austria. My sister, niece and brother in law are visiting my mother in The Netherlands. They are over from Long Island, New York where they live. Unfortunately I w...

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  • Podcast recording on Mac OS X: avoid recording system sounds

    Oct 12, 2004

    You can avoid recording system sounds by routing them to a specific audio output that is not picked-up by your recording application. Do this by selecting the desired output in the ‘So...

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  • Right before a vacation...

    Oct 12, 2004

    … Is a special time. A time when very many things have to get done all of a sudden. And it’s a good time for a cable internet outage. That happened to me yesterday :\ I hope the...

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  • What R.A.D.I.O. Can Teach Podcasting

    Oct 12, 2004

    Another great one in the “how to” series. What R.A.D.I.O. Can Teach Podcasting: by Tod Maffin “Having already opined on what podcasting can teach radio, I thought it’s only...

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  • How to set up QuickTime broadcaster for audio recording

    Oct 11, 2004

    NOTE: I would now recommend not to use Quicktime Broadcaster because of a nasty bug. For an alternative, see: </hugo/2005/04/advanced_podcas.html> It’s burried in this page. 1. M...

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  • A challenge for Studio builders

    Oct 11, 2004

    I will buy a drink for the first person to come up with a more stable studio setup than the one I described here using Quicktime Broadcaster and the Apple Lossless codec in a bar of my choic...

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  • Podcasting is RSS' killer app

    Oct 11, 2004

    (NOTE: This is a draft, open for comments. Revision 2: 2004-10-11.) In his post My message in a bottle to Bill Gates, Scoble talks about a new content ecosystem that includes Podcasting. Wel...

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  • Rock solid recording with Quicktime Broadcaster!

    Oct 10, 2004

    NOTE: I would now recommend not to use Quicktime Broadcaster because of a nasty bug. For an alternative, see: </hugo/2005/04/advanced_podcas.html> QuickTime Broadcaster Just keeps on g...

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  • Podcasting Howto: the importance of (MP3) tags

    Oct 10, 2004

    Whole Wheat Radio says USE TAGS! And he explains why and how. Note that tagging is not just for MP3 files, MP4 / AAC files and other file formats support tagging as well. A great free taggin...

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  • [Housekeeping] This blog now offers full article rss feeds

    Oct 9, 2004

    The feed setting has changed from ‘short exerpt’ to ‘full feed’....

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  • Nested feeds

    Oct 9, 2004

    What if an enclosure contains the URL to a static rss file with enclosures?...

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  • A feed doesn't have to be dynamic!

    Oct 9, 2004

    Sure nice to get new shows automatically isn’t it? But what if you want to download only a season archive of shows (long) after the show has stopped? An RSS feed with enclosures can be...

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  • WiFi in the hotel

    Oct 7, 2004

    It was hard to find out if The hotel I will be staying at for the next 2 weeks has wireless internet access (hotspot). They do in one of their buildings and apparently some of the rooms. No ...

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  • Podcasting howto: the non-technical stuff

    Oct 7, 2004

    The title of Tod Maffin’s post ‘How Podcasting Will Save Radio’ doesn’t really convey that it contains some great Podcasting howto’s such as Beginners’ Guide to...

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  • Apple's iChat to gain tabs, integration with iTunes

    Oct 7, 2004

    Apple’s iChat to gain tabs, integration with iTunes (Via AppleInsider.) Good! Now if they would only add the possibility to stream audio to the chat participants from iTunes and other ...

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  • Podcasting howto: creation, delivery, feeds and more on engadget

    Oct 6, 2004

    How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own): This post describes Engadget’s Podcasting studio setup. Excellent piece with lots of screenshots and details. It al...

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  • How to Look Great on iChat AV

    Oct 5, 2004

    From O’Reilly’s mac devcenter: How to Look Great on iChat AV...

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  • iChat connection tips

    Oct 5, 2004

    Peachpit has a PDF with some iChat tips. Relevant for us: if the audio quality degrades during the call, mute the audio and unmute it again: the connection will recalibrate and the sound wil...

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  • Nicecast part 2

    Oct 5, 2004

    Stephen Chanasyk - Nicecast part 2: “I have continued playing around with Nicecast and realized that an adjustment…” (Via podcasters at Yahoo! Groups.) Good. More leads to...

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  • Guest on the Daily Source Code

    Oct 5, 2004

    Yesterday evening I had the pleasure to chat with Adam Curry on the Daily source code show. After trying Skype, we switched to iChat. On my side, Adam sounded very clear and without hickups....

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  • Podcasting in 1 year...

    Oct 5, 2004

    In 1 year, Podcasting will: - Deliver standard radio shows. - Deliver (short) messages to groups of friends, colleagues, family, members of a club, etc. - Distribute syndicated radio program...

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  • The Lab

    Oct 4, 2004

    The Studio Lab Puzzle: where’s the camera?...

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  • Nicecast as a possible way around latency in the headphones

    Oct 4, 2004

    Nicecast as a possible way around latency in the headphones: “Been thinking about about the problem of latency and may have stumbled on a way” (Via podcasters at Yahoo! Groups.)...

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  • Podcasting directory

    Oct 4, 2004

    A directory of Podcasting shows can be found at

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  • Share your experience!

    Oct 4, 2004

    What is your experience with podcasting Studio setups? Please share all the gory details with the world. You can send me your setup details at: or leave a comment on this ...

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  • A new tool: Logic Express

    Oct 2, 2004

    Logic Express looks promising. Could it replace Soundtrack? It seems like there’s a bit of overlap between GarageBand, Soundtrack and Logic Express. Comments Author: Dave Slusher Date:...

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  • Places for Podcasting discussions

    Oct 2, 2004

    Jean Scholtes started a blog about Podcasting. He points to a Yahoo group started by Andrew Clarke. (corrected) The blog only contains a welcome message so far but there is some activity on ...

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  • AudioBlog studio software coming?

    Oct 2, 2004

    Rogue Amoeba say they’ll play ‘wait and see’ before attempting to create an all-in-one Podcasting studio application. That would be too bad. Having all or most of the studi...

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  • Sampling theory

    Oct 2, 2004

    Digital Signals Processing (DSP) theory (Warning: this is very technical!) - Sampling - Nyquist Theorem - Reconstruction More Nyquist links. Reminds me of College!...

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  • BLIP: Checking in

    Oct 2, 2004

    Welcome back Peter! Since you have an iPod now, consider iPodder ;)...

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  • Studio setup: equal Sampling frequency and sample sizes

    Sep 30, 2004

    If you have a look in the ‘Audio MIDI setup’ utility you see that it is possible to set the sampling rate (example 44100.0 Hz) and sample size (example 16bit). It is probably bes...

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  • .Mac upgraded: cause of yesterday's email glitch?

    Sep 30, 2004

    The .mac email glitch only briefly hit me yesterday. 5 Minutes or so I couldn’t log-in. Probable cause: upgrade activity for .Mac’s extra storage and other enhancements :)...

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  • Correction/ addition to Studio setup - technology part 4

    Sep 29, 2004

    The Garageband screenshot shows a muted audio track! Click on the headpnhone icon in the ‘VoiceRecord’ track! See: Audio Blog software studio setup - Technology part 4...

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  • The Nido car: smarter

    Sep 28, 2004

    Congratulations to some friends of mine. (No blog.) They participated in the design of the safety concept of Pininfarina’s Nido, a new small and safe car that was just presented at the...

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  • [Housekeeping] created a Podcasting category

    Sep 28, 2004

    The category archive page for my Podcasting related posts can be found here. (Also in the ‘Categories’ section on the right.)...

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  • Busy week! Little time for studio solution

    Sep 28, 2004

    A two-day intensive session for a project in The Netherlands, preparation for that session, work on some other projects and visiting family over the weekend: It leaves little time to play wi...

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  • Headphone latency (delays)

    Sep 28, 2004

    Dave Slusher said something in his Evil Genius Chronicles Audioblog for Sept 27, 2004 about hearing himself with a slight delay in his headphones. That is one of the things I’d like to...

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  • Software studio: first stress tests

    Sep 27, 2004

    Before recording the proof of concept that I published I did some stress tests on the Studio setup. Test 1 4 inputs, 2 outputs + recording to disk: -> Line-in music from my HiFi set throu...

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  • Audio Blog software studio setup - Technology part 4

    Sep 27, 2004

    Now the settings for the individual applications. (BTW this thread starts here.) System Preferences 1 - Output System output is set to Soundflower (2ch). This means that per default all audi...

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  • Soundflowerbed: monitoring what's going on

    Sep 27, 2004

    Just discovered that there is an accompanying app to Soundflower called Soundflowerbed which allows you to ’listen in’ to whatever gets put in to Soundflower. It can send some si...

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  • Audio Blog software studio setup - Technology part 3

    Sep 26, 2004

    Here is the first version of the system diagram. Next post will cover the individual applications’ settings. Studio diagram Click on the image to open. PDF version: [PodCastStudioSyste...

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  • Audio Blog software studio setup - Technology part 2

    Sep 26, 2004

    Here is a screenshot of my recording session. I will address the individual elements of this setup later. The next post will be a diagram of the setup. Update: bigger screenshot!...

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  • Audio Blog software studio setup - Technology part 1

    Sep 26, 2004

    2005-04-17 NOTE: Updated advanced setup with Skype integration: </hugo/2005/04/advanced_podcas.html> 2005-02-28 NOTE: Updated setup starts here: </hugo/2005/02/basic_studio_se.html&...

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  • Mac Os X Multi user audio routing

    Sep 26, 2004

    Interesting tidbit about Mac Os X’s audio setup: it is possible to have one audio mapping setup for one user (input and output setting in the System Preferences) and a completely other...

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  • Audio Blog software studio setup

    Sep 26, 2004

    Here is my proof of concept for a software-only studio setup for shows like Trade Secrets or The Daily Source Code. 1. The proof of concept from my PowerBook Studio: ABlogSoftwareStudioSetup...

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  • Time for ideas

    Sep 23, 2004

    Too many ideas, too little time! They should offer a time management course....

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  • Selling the message

    Sep 23, 2004

    Yesterday evening I visited a bluesky workshop called Selling the message. A bit short - only 2 hours - but good. Key points: - Figure out the delivery style that the receiver responds best ...

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  • Good VoIP intro

    Sep 22, 2004

    The Voice over IP Insurrection is a nice introduction to VoIP which includes a bit of history....

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  • VoIP Forum: The forum format

    Sep 21, 2004

    First Tuesday Forums are better than many of the other conferences I’ve visited. One obvious reason why the attendees don’t fall asleep is that the quality of content and speaker...

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  • Trying Snowboarding

    Sep 21, 2004

    I signed up for a snowboard instructor’s course. It will take place 16 - 23 October in Kaprun, Austria. Reasons: 1. I’d like to learn snowboarding properly. 2. I need it for the ...

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  • First VoIP Forum notes

    Sep 16, 2004

    Here are my first quick notes after the Voice over IP (VoIP) thought leadership forum from First Tuesday Zürich: Format Keynotes with live feedback through laptops scattered around the room....

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  • BBEdit 8: Still doesn't suck

    Sep 15, 2004

    Version 8.0 is the biggest update to BBEdit since 6.0, four years ago. [Daring Fireball]I still have to get used to it a bit but do appreciate the improvements. Handling very large files is ...

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  • VoIP Forum: signed up!

    Sep 10, 2004

    Yay! Signed up for the conference....

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  • [limited] drive time

    Sep 9, 2004

    Listening to audio blog posts has replaced my reading on the way to work in the train. Unfortunately I can’t read and listen well at the same time yet. Limited time forces me to be sel...

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  • Links for Erik

    Sep 8, 2004

    Some links I promised to send to my friend Erik who is an Electronics/ IT Geek among other things: Slashdot article about Hardware Hacking. But this story about the Linksys NSLU2 is the actu...

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  • Voice over IP forum program

    Sep 7, 2004

    First Tuesday Zürich is hosting a Thought leadership forum about Voice over IP (VoIP). Their website doesn’t tell you much about the program. Download the PDF below for an excerpt. Dow...

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  • Quicken quickly

    Sep 7, 2004

    Triggered by the need to get a grip on my finances I bought my bank’s own version of Quicken. First impression: positive! UI takes some getting used to but it’s not all illogical...

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  • Trying Skype

    Sep 7, 2004

    Trying Skype. For now I’m only interested in the ability to call to the States, The Netherlands and mobile phones for low rates. A couple of quick tests did give me some problems with ...

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  • No roam!

    Sep 7, 2004

    It looks like Transatel has a nice offering for those of us who call from different countries. It allows local calls for local rates in several countries with one mobile subscription. And&he...

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  • ipodder debugging

    Aug 22, 2004

    While working on a way to use iPodderb03 through a proxy I discovered that some of the enclosures were not being downloaded. Apparently any enclosure with no ’length’ property wa...

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  • iPodder through proxy server

    Aug 22, 2004

    Update 041027: Note, this does NOT work with iPodderX! I’ve brought the proxy issue to the attention of the developers but up to version 2.1.2 beta (time of writing) does not have prox...

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  • Airport Express: as advertised

    Aug 22, 2004

    Almost immediately after it was announced I ordered 3 AirPort Express thingies. They work as advertised, connecting (bridging) two wired networks in different parts of the house and allowing...

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  • Tracking back, log back, I'm back

    Aug 22, 2004

    Yep, after several months of inactivity… Old posts copied. Configuration updated. Several of the posts of my old (Radio Userland) weblog have been copied to this new weblog. I’v...

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  • Family connection

    Dec 15, 2003

    Look at that! My Family on the blog! A good reason to re-start my blogging efforts. The coming month I will be in St. Anton with limited internet access so there will probably not be a lot o...

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  • Snow sports plans

    Oct 14, 2003

    Can’t wait to see what this Winter will bring! The first months have been planned already. I will be in St. Anton all weekends in December and from 20 December untill 10 January straig...

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  • Should we Laugh or should we Cry?

    Oct 12, 2003

    Here is a good example of a reason to create browser independent, gracefully degrading websites! I have frequently told people ‘Even future versions of Internet Explorer will not produ...

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  • Teddy Bear Picnic the movie

    Oct 12, 2003

    Yay! A DVD project finished! A teaser clip. I’ve noticed some things that are (hopefully) beginners mistakes in the camera work and the editing but hey, it’s a start! http://home...

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  • 'The Rubbing' forwarded

    Oct 3, 2003

    Reaction of my masseuse to ‘The Rubbing’ by Lance Arthur: “This is toooooo funny! I almost peed my pants and had tears running down my face. Thanks for the great laugh! I&r...

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  • Fear and statistics

    Sep 29, 2003

    Interesting post about how people perceive risks. (See below.) Here is another example: Most skiing accidents happen on sunny days on easy slopes. Under those conditions, people don’t ...

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  • CyberInsecurity

    Sep 29, 2003

    Started to read CyberInsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly (Large PDF) which aroused my interest because I have been critisizing my company’s use of Microsoft products for everything includ...

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  • No inline hockey

    Sep 29, 2003

    An invitation for something much nicer made me cancel my inline hockey plans: a ski-test weekend in Saas-Fee!...

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  • Inline hockey

    Sep 23, 2003

    In Amsterdam I’ve tried it a handful of times with some colleagues but that was a while ago. I just signed up for the Nike Inline hockey Cup. Let’s see how that goes. http://www....

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  • (Shooting) incident in Zürich ?

    Sep 18, 2003

    It sounded like firecrackers, nothing like the soundeffects of gunfire you’d hear in an action movie. So maybe it wasn’t gunfire. Stun guns maybe? Anyway, there was police and I ...

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  • And hapiness...

    Sep 16, 2003

    After a post about luck, what better than to look at Hapiness? (Sorry, I didn’t find love yet ;) ) Scientists Meditate on Happiness. Buddhism and science come together as the Dalai Lam...

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  • Luck

    Sep 16, 2003

    This post reminds me of the discussions I had with friends about luck and the ability to find it or rather: maximizing the chance to find luck and recognizing that you’re seizing oppor...

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  • Where is that email? Ask ZOË!

    Sep 11, 2003

    For a while now, I’ve been using Zo&euml;, even though it is still in beta. It’s great, it enables me to search through all my emails from all of my accounts at the same time...

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  • Read this if you're a geek

    Sep 11, 2003

    And don’t forget where you’re reading this.

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  • Slow start

    Sep 9, 2003

    Hmm… This log is off to a slow start… I’ll log a bit about Working Wireless: Horizon 2013 Tomorrow....

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  • First Monday Night Skate in Luzern

    Sep 2, 2003

    It started raining as soon as we took off but it wasn’t raining hard enough to make us soaking wet. (Just the streets slippery.) There was a nice little group of about 720 participants...

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  • Interesting article about my favorite company

    Sep 1, 2003

    Everyone Wants a Bite of Apple. Why is Apple so tempting? Creative culture, killer products, zealous fans and Steve Jobs. Memo to Sony: Bite! An essay by Josh McHugh from Wired magazine. [Wi...

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  • Fire!

    Aug 31, 2003

    Just got a call from my dad: their holliday house in France completely burned down. Likely cause: burglar erasing his tracks. Good thing they built up a network of friends over there: they r...

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  • Editing now

    Aug 31, 2003

    OK, I actually started editing now. First subject: a Picnic! The Picnic was a charity event organized by the Zurich chapter of Business Nomads.

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  • Several video edits lined up

    Aug 27, 2003

    Pfft… 10 tapes of raw video material shot at several occasions that I still need to edit and put on DVD. Getting it on disk (capture) and logging the scenes etc. is just the type of t...

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  • Certified!

    Aug 27, 2003

    I finally received my Austrian Ski-instructor license! The certification is called Landeslehrer. This is a Worldwide recognized level. The courses were held in Kaprun and Ischgl. It was hard...

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  • Hello World

    Aug 27, 2003

    After using weblogs at work for about a year now I have finally set up a private weblog. I will be playing with settings, themes, layout, etc. for a while. Expect a story about me and my mot...

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