Hi Aron,

Actually, I upgraded to 10.3.9 as soon as it came out.

Afterwards I only had to fix the java problem by re-installing the last Java update. (Now Apple put it in a separate update.)

Soundflower worked fine. I did do a ‘fix permissions’ though.

That may solve your problems as well. Have you tried?

While I was figuring out how to add another Soundflower device I ran into permissions problems. The .kext wouldn’t load.

Reading the Readme file provided the answer:

“you need to set all the files in the Soundflower.kext

bundle to:

owner: root - read/write

group: wheel - read only

others: read only”

After doing this it was fixed.

Also see the man page for the utility kextload to check if Soundflower.kext is loading correctly.

Another problem could be sample rate settings:


Here’s how to add another Soundflower device:


Have fun,


On Apr 26, 2005, at 11:56, Aron Michalski wrote:

Dear Hugo:

As you are by far the most through and detailed user of all the podcasting people I know, let me run this one past you. The other day I “accidently " (read: wasn’t thinking) let my mac update to 10.3.9 Since then, My soundflower goes missing and has to be reloaded, sometimes even without sleeping or restarting. Now recently even after a reload, Soundflowerbed won’t see it, Line In won’t see it even though I can see the .kext file in the extensions. I’m pretty sure it’s just a clash between whatever brilliant fix Apple had in mind and the original code the Cycling 74 folks wrote. Have you seen anything like this? I’m pretty sure you didn’t update yet… Let me know what you think as now I’m somewhat dead in the water routing -wise.

Thanks in advance,

Aron Michalski


Author: Hugo
Date: 2006-01-08 20:33:58

If you find ‘Soundflower.kext’ in the finder and right-click on it you see the option ‘show package contents’. That opens a new window with the individual files that are contained in the package. They all should have the same permissions. When you are editing the permissions for the ‘Contents’ folder, you can click the ‘Apply to enclosed items…’ button after you’ve changed the permissions to set them the same for all. Note that if you navigate to the extensions folder in the terminal (assuming you know UNIX commands) you can see that ‘Soundflower.kext’ is a directory.

Author: Skip
Date: 2006-01-02 22:40:14

I am running 10.4.3 and trying to instlal Soundflower. When I run the dmg file, it mounts a drive with the pkg file in it. When I try running the pkg file, i get an error: Operation could not be completed, error code -10660.

I had a friend run it on their computer and it installed just fine. From reading the included text file, it says it installs just one file, Soundflower.kext. So I thought I would just place that file directly in my extensions directory. I did so but when I rebooted, it said it could not load the extension. I changed the permissions to the ones recommended on your site and still the same problem. However, you did make reference to “you need to set all the files in the Soundflower.kextbundle to:” but I thought it was only one file… are there more files to copy?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!